Sunday 19 February 2012

Animatic and Shooting Schedule

Due to our change of idea we were behind before half term, and the sound on our animatic is not complete, however, we have checked the timings of all our shots and it will fit into the two minutes we are allowed are film to be. We will put it on our blog when it is done. Also, myself and my group need to get together and decide when we can all get together to film and where so as soon as the shooting schedule is done that will also be on here.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Our StoryBoard

This is our storyboard, a storyboard is used to show the camera operators and directors what generally happens in each shot and what type of shot it is. In our film we are using quite a lot of point of view shots, from the fathers point of view. Also, we are using a few shot reverse shots to show the argument between the stepdad and the girl.
Storyboards are very effective as they can give you an idea of what your film will flow like.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Prop List

A props list is important so that when shooting the characters always have the props they need during the correct scenes.

Character that uses it
Scene needed in
School Bag
Shot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9
School Folders
Shot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9
Letter from the school
Shot 6, 7 and 9
Painting done by child
Shot 8
Picture of child
Shot 7
Red Car
Shot 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9
Shot 1 and 2
Shot 8

Friday 10 February 2012

Target Audience Reasearch

U" - Universal – Suitable for all
It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a ‘U’ film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. ‘U’ films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.
PG-General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children
Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.
Exactly the same criteria are used to classify works at ‘12A’ and ‘12’. These categories are awarded where the material is suitable, in general, only for those aged 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them.
No-one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.
No-one younger than 18 may see an ‘18’ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy an ‘18’ rated video work.
I looked on the British Board of Film Classification website and stated some of the age restrictions, after looking and discussing our film and the restrictions we have all came to the conclusion that our film will be classified as either a 12 or a 15.  We have decided that our film would be aimed at older teenagers and middle aged people who like to watch  mysterious films. I also believe that males would prefer to watch it over women

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Costume Reasearch

Real Dad

This is a picture of Mike Delfino out of Desperate Housewives, he is an ex-convict and he has stubble and a mysterious look about him, this is the type of person we want to play the real father. However, we want him to wear all black as black represents bad people.


We have decided that we want the stepfather to be wearing a suit like the man in this picture, this is so that he looks like he is higher up on the social hierarchy than the real dad implying he is a better person.

Teenage Girl and her Friends

I have chosen this image from the Inbetweeners because it shows the teenagers all in the same school uniform but worn differently, the main teenage girl would be the girl on the right with her tie undone as this would show she is quite a naughty character.

Younger Version of Teenage Girl

I have chosen this image of a young girl because she is looking cute as she is looking up, this is the type of shot that we want in the flashback as she looks very innocent.

Young Mom

This image of quite a young mother is the type of person we want to play our young mom as she is very fresh faced and looks asif she could do no harm and is motherly

Monday 6 February 2012

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Addressing The Evaluation Questions

After our film is completed we will have to answer a set of evaluation questions, therefore we need to make sure that whilst we are making the film we have an answer to all of these questions.

What thriller conventions will be used?
We have decided that the thriller conventions we are going to use are;
-The fear of the unknown
-Colour conventions to show good and bad characters
-The villain is a male
-Chilling music to create tension

What thriller conventions will be developed?
The thriller convention we have decided to develop is the fear of unknown, we have decided to exemplify this convention because we believe that by doing this we will be able to get across an eerie feeling. Recently the convention of the male characters being the villains has been challenged alot, so we have decided to stick to the traditional convention.

What thriller conventions will be challenged?
We have decided to challenge the convention of using props such as knifes or guns, we have done this because we believe that it will add to the mystery of the film if such props arent used. We are also not using a chase scene as we want the film to have more of a slow spooky feel, rather than a fast paced horror feel.

Monday 30 January 2012

Our Pitch

We presented our treatment to Mr Hood and had a very lengthy discussion about it. It was said that there were no actual issues with our treatment, however, after discussion we have decided to add a back story to the father. We want to imply to the audience that he is a dangerous man without using dialogue, therefore we are going to add a scene at the start with him walking out of a prison, however, we will have to pick costumes carefully to show that he is in fact an ex-prisoner rather than a prison officer.

Mr.Hoods opinion is important because he is going to be marking our work, and has had a lot of experience with with media and work before, as a result of his feedback we have changed our treatment so that the plot is easier to understand and the film will be easier to produce.

Wednesday 25 January 2012




Rebecca Wheeler

Dean Turner

Laura Gardiner

Jess Jones

January, 2012


United Kingdom.

Small village.

Late Afternoon.

A MIDDLE AGED MAN, wearing black trousers and a black hooded coat walks past a poorly lit secondary school. He walks into a garden opposite the school, mysteriously gazing at the entrance.

A group of mixed sex TEENAGERS walk out of the school gates, gripping their folders. Laughing and joking about detentions, they wave bye to one of the TEENAGE GIRLS as she is walking in the other direction over to her STEPDADS red car which is waiting to pick her up.

As the TEENAGE GIRL is walking up to the car she suddenly feels eerie as though somebody is watching her. She is correct; the MIDDLE AGED MAN is in fact peering at her through the bushes in the garden opposite the school. He is trying to be quiet, although unable to control his heavy breathing.

Seeing the GIRL draw closer to the car, the STEPDAD angrily gets out, clutching a letter from the school. He starts shouting at her “Another Detention” “I didn’t raise you like this”. The TEENAGE GIRL now forgets about the weird feeling she had just felt as she is more concerned about arguing back with her STEPDAD. Voices are raised and arms are flung about as the argument progresses.

The MIDDLE AGED MAN watches on, his breathing increasing, as he starts to have a flashback. His flashback consists of a YOUNGER VERSION OF HIMSELF being shown a painting done by a LITTLE GIRL at school, the LITTLE GIRL being a younger version of the TEENAGE GIRL. “Daddy Daddy, look what I did at school”. It is at this point we realise that the MIDDLE AGED MAN is actually the TEENAGE GIRLS real DAD.

Then the MOTHER of the GIRL walks down the stairs, struggling to carry two suitcases. She looks angry and has quite obviously been crying as she has mascara running down her young fresh face. “We’re leaving”. The GIRL cries as the mother drags her out of the house, she desperately stares at her dad confused and distraught. This is the moment that his daughter was taken away from him.

The DADS flashback ends and he once again witnesses the argument between the GIRL and her STEPDAD. The argument becomes ever more intense and the volume of their shrieking voices multiplies, until abruptly, the DAD hears the GIRL call the STEPDAD “Dad”. This is all too much to handle for the DAD, his heart begins to pound louder and louder. His breathing becomes heavier and he becomes enraged…

Saturday 21 January 2012

Film Idea

New Idea
We have came up with a new idea which will be alot easier and less confusing than the old one. We have solved the problems of location and characters as the new idea will be set just outside the school gates and will involve teenagers, which are easier to find as actors than adults.

The idea of our new film is as follows...

A girl being watched by a man whilst walking out of an after school detention with her friends, she leaves her friends to approach her stepdad waiting for her. The man watching her is in fact her real dad who keeps having flashbacks of his time with the daughter before her mother left him. The teenage girl has an argument with her stepdad, the whole time her real dad is watching, causing him to become enraged.

We believe that this new idea will be easier to film and that the audience will understand the situation the characters are in. We also believe that by choosing this idea over our old one we will end up with a better quality film. We have discussed our new idea with Mr Hood and he agrees that it will be easier and we will have a better outcome